It has carried out to surfing by four persons, Mr. HIROSHI, YOSHITAKA, TETSU, and itself (TAKAO), in Chiba in one night and two days!! Since TETSU lives in Chiba, I will interfere at the house of TETSU this time. Shonan was left at Tue., 1st night, and though it rode on a new shounan bypass, metropolitan quantity, and an along the bay line and wavered a trip toward the direction of Chiba, it arrived at the house of TETSU safely somehow. Since TETSU was reunion after a long time, it was talking till late at night just. according to check average information before sleeping and it -- the next day -- merit a wave -- since that was right, was decided all together at 7:00, and he set the alarm of the cellular phone to 7:00, and slept. (It was cold in the room of TETSU and it was not able to go to sleep easily ?.) Although close to his ears had its cellular phone and carrying of why or TETSU, and he awoke in No. 1 in a remarkable noise, TETSU which is still sleeping soundly nearby was seen and it was considered very much as angry in the next morning, he remembers having grown up there and having started it gently. . . wave information -- merit the outskirts of Kujuukuri -- since that was right, it went to Ichinomiya first. although Ichinomiya was quite good, since there is only one place, the pro also enters, and the break point could play, came out that it does not seem to be and there was, it decided to go to Taitou. (A photograph is a photograph taken in Taitou.) Surfing was also improved the wave of Taitou for about 3 hours, and it was large satisfaction. However, it was somewhat regrettable that the first takeoff of YOSHITAKA and TETSU became seen off this time also. (Show this time!) I parted from TETSU after surfing in Taitou, and Mr. HIROSHIs parents; home was visited by the thing that a present has Mr. HIROSHI to Mr. HIROSHIs father, and a childhood friend. Although the contents of the present knew a few from before, when he also heard a present for the first time with a surfboard, it was quite surprise. (Enviable!!) It returned to Shonan after that and I parted also from YOSHITAKA, and since I was still fine, one more set entered in Oiso.
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