
☆サーフィング部千葉遠征☆千葉南房総千歳・千倉☆ * Surfing part Chiba expedition * Chiba south BOUSOU Chitose and Chikura *


1Time activity of the Tokyo SEKISUIHEIM Kanagawa, Inc. branch sir FINGU part was the Chiba surfing expedition by the members of a head! Shonan was left in the morning on the day, and it rode on the ferry from Kurihama, and entered in Chitose for 2 hours for 12 hours in the afternoon, and the wind entered, and since condition hard head over , it moved to Chikura. Since it was the good condition of the set head, Chikura is 2 hours just before a ferry again! A lip, a round house, and a cutback and pleasant surfing were enjoyed fully, and the highest time was spent. Even so, the riding of Mr. K who cannot think 40 years old is always surprised! I also thought anew that I wanted to adopt how to take a smart year! Surfing is planned all together the second time in Shonan!

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