
茨城遠征 An expedition has been gone on to Ibaragi.アークオーナー小林さんとえいいちさんがセキスイハイムご来店しました! Mr. Kobayashi, and Mr.EIICHI the Sekisui coming to the store.


It is a situation of the trip to Ibaragi after a long time. it seems to be very pleasant wholly!
which did not remeet you for the first time in one month it is really interesting. Although it is an interesting person who has not met until now, he is an uncanny good person always kind to.
He is one of the surfers who surfing, fishing, the sea, and Ms. she are understood are very valued, and are doing the great way of life!


The special guest wore in my office. The owner of the store arc my favorite surfing and the friend of surfing get, and he is Mr.EIICHI. After surfing of Yugawara, it came for repair of the purchased fin specially. Even if it looks for the store which takes an official trip itself [ owner ] and can be obtained among Japan, there is by any means. [ no ] They are those who can respect also as a man also as a surfer.
He is a person who wants to become a human being like [ in the future ] him.
Please come to visit a store, when you come to TSUJIDO.

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